Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, who got married in Jodhpur on December 1 and 2 2018, are now making the most of their time in a romantic getaway in the Caribbean. The couple is completely enjoying the marital bliss.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are having a perfect romantic getaway in the Caribbean islands.
After celebrating Christmas in London and ringing in the year with family and close friends in picturesque Switzerland, the lovey-dovey couple is now spending some quality time in the Caribbean.
Priyanka took to her Instagram handle to share a glimpse of her perfect honeymoon with Nick and she posted an adorable image of the 2 of them, wherever they're seen lost in each others’ eyes.
She captioned the image, “And then… there was only him…” which was followed by a heart-eyes emoticon.
Nick and Priyanka had
a grand wedding at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace on December a and 2 with their
friends and family members in attendance. The Christian ceremony took place on
December 1 and the Hindu ceremony was the Hindu ceremony was held on December